So! Let me tell you why we know exactly why the world is flat! Okay okay… it’s not quite as hot a topic and as debated and contentious as that, but, as of the last five years or so it has kicked up a decent bit of a stir. The topic is the link between volcanoes and climate. But maybe not in the way you would think. We know that v olcanic eruptions cause global cooling by shooting particles into the air but what if there was a likelihood that global warming and climate change increase volcanic activity? Volcanoes The first question is: How possibly does climate change and global warming affect volcanic activity? The answer is relatively simple, fewer ice sheets means less pressure on the crust leading to more active movements and, hence more volcanic activity. The main movement occurs in the upper mantle and the crust, this increased movement means more magma production leading to more eruptions. One of the first ideas that came to be with this conclusion was the increase of volcanic...